The Beginning

PARKR was established in 2017 by then 17-year-old Jordan Parker. Jordan has always had a love for fashion, specifically the pieces she’d made for herself. Although she always had a knack for entrepreneurship, Jordan was quickly launched into business when she found that she needed about $3,000 for a summer trip to Peru. She began selling crochet headbands at her school for $5 and was very successful.

About a year later, as a freshman in college, Jordan decided to go all in on her dream and begin selling full pieces. Thus, PARKR was born, and it’s been uphill ever since.


Who are We?

PARKR is more than a brand. We focus on building a community around sustainable and handmade knitwear. It’s more than sweaters, and we’re proud to say that. PARKR is for everyone, regardless of their shape, size, color, or gender orientation. Right now, we’re focusing on making knitwear that breaks gender binaries, we’ll have that to you soon. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the journey and join us soon!



VoyageATL (2019)

LOOKS (2019)